Restrict stream creation

This feature is only available to organization owners and administrators.

Zulip allows you to separately control permissions for creating web-public, public and private streams.

For corporations and other organizations with controlled access, we recommend keeping stream creation open to make it easy for users to self-organize.

Only users in trusted roles (moderators and administrators) can be given permission to create web-public streams. This is intended to help manage abuse by making it hard for an attacker to host malicious content in an unadvertised web-public stream in a legitimate organization.

Manage who can create streams

  1. Click on the gear () icon in the upper right corner of the web or desktop app.

  2. Select Manage organization.

  3. On the left, click Organization permissions.

  4. Under Stream permissions, configure Who can create public streams.

  5. Click Save changes.

  1. Click on the gear () icon in the upper right corner of the web or desktop app.

  2. Select Manage organization.

  3. On the left, click Organization permissions.

  4. Under Stream permissions, configure Who can create private streams.

  5. Click Save changes.

  1. Click on the gear () icon in the upper right corner of the web or desktop app.

  2. Select Manage organization.

  3. On the left, click Organization permissions.

  4. Under Stream permissions, configure Who can create web-public streams.

  5. Click Save changes.